Creative Diagnostics offers a variety of anti-infection compounds with robust antiviral biological activity. As a vital tool in the arsenal of drug discovery, compound libraries determine the speed and quality of small-molecule drug development. These compounds are tailored to combat a spectrum of pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, Influenza Virus, CMV, HSV, HIV, HBV, and more. Furthermore, given the potential structural congruence with viral targets, the prospect of compound-driven antiviral efficacy is substantially bolstered.

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Creative Diagnostics offers a variety of anti-infection compounds with robust antiviral biological activity. As a vital tool in the arsenal of drug discovery, compound libraries determine the speed and quality of small-molecule drug development. These compounds are tailored to combat a spectrum of pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, Influenza Virus, CMV, HSV, HIV, HBV, and more. Furthermore, given the potential structural congruence with viral targets, the prospect of compound-driven antiviral efficacy is substantially bolstered.

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The Filgrastim ELISA assay employs the quantitative double antibody sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. A specific monoclonal antibody is used to capture filgrastim and a polyclonal antibody is used to detect figrastim present in sample.

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Immunological Testing Service A global network of scientific, technical, and support personnel is ready to work with you to efficiently deliver your scientific research program. Our team can provide you with scientific expertise on immune system function and established immunology testing. Selecting the most appropriate immunological test by leveraging our knowledge and experience.

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Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Assay

We combine infection and analytical expertise to provide our clients with the most powerful portfolio of antiviral and antimicrobial in vitro testing services. Facing an increasing demand for new antiviral and antimicrobial compounds for the treatment of infectious diseases, Creative Diagnostics can test these compounds in vitro to determine their potential efficacy in vivo models.

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C. diphtheriae Diphtheria Toxoid

Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a gram-positive, nonmotile bacteria found in soil and animal feces. C. diphteriae infect the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract from where they produce and secrete a potent toxin. This toxin is absorbed and disseminated through lymph channels and blood to the susceptible tissues of the body.

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Thomas Schmitt 6 months ago

Kanamycin [HRP]

Kanamycin (also known as kanamycin A) is an aminoglycoside bacteriocidal antibiotic, available in oral, intravenous, and intramuscular forms, and used to treat a wide variety of infections. Kanamycin is isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces kanamyceticus and its most commonly used form is kanamycin sulfate.

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Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay (HAI)

Hemagglutination inhibition (HI or HAI) is used to determine relative concentrations of viruses, bacteria, or antibodies invented by American virologist George Hearst in 1941. This experimental method utilizes surface proteins of various viruses (such as hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus) to agglutinate multiple types of red blood cells (RBC).

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Ferulic acid ELISA Kit

This kit is a competitive enzyme-labeled immunoassay and can be used in quantitative analysis of ferulic acid in wheat.

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Exendin-4 - ADA ELISA

For the quantitative determination of free antibodies to exendin-4 in human serum and plasma.

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What is the AGP Test?

The AGP test is based on an antigen-antibody immunoprecipitation reaction performed in an agar gel and is primarily used for viral antigenic type-specific identification. The assay can be used to detect serum antibodies specific to influenza viruses of genus (type) A, i.e., anti-RNA-nucleoprotein (i.e., RNP) and matrix protein (M1) antibodies, and is thus suitable for the identification of influenza viruses.

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What is Serum Plate Agglutination Test (SPAT)?

Serum Plate Agglutination Test (SPAT) is a common microbial experimental technique used to test antibodies in animal serum against the agglutination reaction of specific microorganisms. These microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. By observing whether agglutination reaction occurs after mixing the serum with microorganisms, it is possible to determine whether the animal is infected with the corresponding microorganisms and evaluate the level of antibodies in the animal.

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When an individual is exposed to endogenous AAV infections, an immune response to the AAV capsids can be mounted. Consequently, a percentage of humans express neutralizing antibodies in the blood that could block gene transfer to cellular targets. In addition, administration of recombinant AAVs (rAAVs) can induce antibodies that can neutralize the transduction of AAV gene therapies, activate the innate immune response, and trigger an adaptive immune response that includes a cellular response that may result in loss of transgene expression.

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Idea: Microbiology

Thomas Schmitt 9 months ago

Microbiology is one of the branches of biology. It is a science that studies the life activities of various micro-organisms at the molecular, cellular or population level, such as morphological structure, growth and reproduction, physiological metabolism, genetic variation, ecological distribution and taxonomic evolution. Microbiology is widely used in industrial fermentation, medical hygiene and bioengineering.

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